Shelley Station 


You're starting point for the High Country Rail Trail.

Enjoy a beautiful ride through pine forest plantation to explore Shelly Station, a wonderful piece of the High Country's history. The station is the highest in Victoria, located 781 metres above sea level. Opened in 1916, the station ran until 1979 and was used to transport farmers' livestock from the Upper Murray to Wodonga. From the 1950's, the station was used heavily to transport machinery to assist the building in the Snowy Mountains Electro Scheme.

Today, the remains of the station can be seen, along with information boards educating visitors about the rich history. Stop here during your ride for a break and a picnic amounts the scenic natural surrounds. The station does not contain toilet facilities or running water. Shelley is located 7km's from Koetong and the Koetong Pub is a great place to stop for a hearty country meal. In Koetong be sure to check out Avondale Gardens, a magnificent botanical garden containing exotic trees, shrubs and rock wall.
